salat camii







Faunal Remains

The analysis of animal bones is still in progress and those recovered from Neolithic layers during the 2004 to 2006 excavations are included here.

All four primary domesticates, goat, sheep, cattle and pig, which consist of approximately 80 % of the all faunal assemblage, are present. The most predominant is pig (ca. 40-60 % depending on phases) followed by cattle (ca. 10-20 %) and sheep/goat (ca. 10-20 %). The high percentage of pig at this site is interesting considering that goat/sheep are the most dominant taxa at other comtemporary sites in Southeast Anatolia.

Among the wild species are wild boar, red deer, roe deer, gazelle, fox, hare, weasel and mole, as well as some birds, reptiles, amphibious, fish and shell.


Relative frequencies of identified taxa recovered from Neolithic layers

in 2004-2006.




Numbers of identified taxa recovered from Neolithic layers in 2004-2006.
