Obsidian and flint were used in different ways through raw material procurement, debitage production, tool manufacturing and abandonment. No remarkable chronological break is identified throughout the whole occupation sequence.
Obsidian accounts for about 30-60 % of the entire chipped stone assemblage. The results of geo-chemical analysis demonstrate that most obsidian was brought from peralkaline sources of Nemurt Dağ and/or Bingöl and from calco-alkaline sources of Bingöl. Obsidian artefacts are those of a blade industry. Single platform bullet-shaped cores and core tablets indicate that the blade production was carried out at the site. Formal tools are rare. A few side-blow blade-flakes, corner-thinned blades, trapezes and end scrapers were recovered while projectile points and Çayönü tools are absent.
Flint artefacts are comprised almost entirely of flakes and demonstrate strong contrast with obsidian ones. Local flint found in the bed of the Salat River and the wadis nearby was used as raw material. Multi-platform flake cores and amorphous flakes with cortex are predominant. Blade cores made of flint are absent but for one exception which is made of non-local fine flint. There are a few regular blades made of fine flint and these blades, as well as a blade core, were probably brought from elsewhere in a finished form. Among retouched tools made of local flint there are virtually no formal tools except for some picks/fabricators. A distinguishing features of the flint assemblage is the presence of more than 150 spherical flint balls (hammerstones?) covered with pecking marks.